Total Coins 4668, Coins available on exchanges 3429

Wrapped Bitcoin
WBTC 1.0002

Price % High24hr Low24hr Volume MarketCap Supply LastMarket ProofTypeAlgorithm StartDate
1.0002 0.01% 1.0008 0.9996 364.31 155,146 155,117 CCCAGG N/AN/A 2018-11-27
    1Day 7Day 1Month 3Month 6Month 1Year 2Year 5Year

Description from

Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) is the first ERC20 token backed 1:1 with Bitcoin. WBTC standardizes Bitcoin to the ERC20 format, creating smart contracts for Bitcoin. This makes it easier to write smart contracts that integrate Bitcoin transfers. 

To receive WBTC, a user requests tokens from a merchant. The merchant then performs the required KYC / AML procedures and verifies the user’s identity. Once this is completed, the user and merchant execute their swap, with Bitcoin from the user transferring to the merchant, and WBTC from the merchant transferring to the user.

Top Exchanges

Coinbase WBTC/BTC 17.05 17.05
Bitstamp WBTC/BTC 0.29 0.28
Kraken WBTC/BTC 4.16 4.16
bybit WBTC/BTC 5.50 5.50
Binance WBTC/BTC 301.18 301.15