Total Coins 4668, Coins available on exchanges 3429

PMA $0.0000

Price % High24hr Low24hr Volume MarketCap Supply LastMarket ProofTypeAlgorithm StartDate
$0.0000 0.00% $0.0000 $0.0000 $0.00 $563,485 78,042,956,829 CCCAGG N/AN/A 2018-03-22
    1Day 7Day 1Month 3Month 6Month 1Year 2Year 5Year

Description from

PumaPay's open-source Pull Payment Protocol is a comprehensive blockchain solution which offers robust payment mechanisms far more credible, efficient, flexible, cost-effective, and scalable than current implementations (credit cards). Unlike today's payment methods, which include credit cards and virtual coins like Bitcoin, the Pull Payment Protocol was designed from the ground up specifically to overcome existing hurdles and offers a set of tools developed to facilitate onboarding processes for both businesses and individuals.

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