Total Coins 4668, Coins available on exchanges 3429

TRX $0.1228

Price % High24hr Low24hr Volume MarketCap Supply LastMarket ProofTypeAlgorithm StartDate
$0.1228 1.41% $0.1238 $0.1202 $84,980,243.63 $10,749,023,803 87,501,562,404 CCCAGG DPoSN/A 2017-09-26
    1Day 7Day 1Month 3Month 6Month 1Year 2Year 5Year

Description from

TRON is a cryptocurrency payment platform. It allows the users to perform cryptocurrencies transactions between them on a global scale within a decentralized ecosystem. TRON has finished its native token (TRX) migration to the mainnet. In addition, users can access the platform digital wallet, the TRON Wallet where it is possible to store and manage their digital assets, with support for desktop and mobile devices. Since July 24th, 2018, TRON acquired BitTorrent Inc. which is an Internet technology company based in San Francisco. It designs distributed technologies that scale efficiently, keep intelligence at the edge, and keep creators and consumers in control of their content and data.

The TRX token is a cryptographic currency developed by TRON. Formerly an ERC-20 token, the TRX has now finished its migration to the TRON mainnet. This token is the medium for the users to exchange value between them when using the platform services.


Top Exchanges

Kraken TRX/USD 7574306.09 $928338.78
Bitfinex TRX/USD 276117.01 $33798.23
Cexio TRX/USD 33250.87 $4072.04
Exmo TRX/USD 2883812.16 $374258.71
Bitso TRX/USD 426982.93 $52105.54