Total Coins 4668, Coins available on exchanges 3429

WAVES $2.2499

Price % High24hr Low24hr Volume MarketCap Supply LastMarket ProofTypeAlgorithm StartDate
$2.2499 -0.68% $2.2718 $2.0675 $13,962,084.62 $257,570,512 114,481,342 CCCAGG LPoSLeased POS 2016-06-12
    1Day 7Day 1Month 3Month 6Month 1Year 2Year 5Year

Description from

Waves is an open platform for Web 3.0 applications and custom decentralized solutions, with a wide range of purpose-designed tools for making the process of developing and running dApps easy and accessible. Launched in 2016, Waves has since released numerous successful blockchain-based solutions and has steadily developed into a rich and constantly-growing technological platform. Waves’ technology is designed to address the needs of developers and companies that want to leverage the properties of blockchain systems – including their security, auditability, verifiability and the trustless execution of transactions and business logic.

Waves Platform provides everything required to support the backend of Web 3.0 services. In 2017, Waves successfully launched its mainnet with LPoS, pioneer decentralised exchange DEX and later the Waves-NG protocol. In 2018, the Waves development team delivered the first implementation of smart contracts. This was followed by the release of the RIDE programming language in 2019, a simple and powerful language for programming logic. Moreover, in June 2019 the mainnet of Waves Enterprise, a global private blockchain solution, was launched. All of this is complemented with a broad infrastructure: an IDE for sandbox development, tools, SDKs, libraries, frameworks and protocols for convenient and easy integrations.

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